TanStack Query and Mutation templates for React RSC/SSR/RCC

TanStack Query and Mutation templates for React RSC/SSR/RCC

Recommendations on how to structure TanStack queries and mutations. Provided templates define hooks with extensible interfaces, supporting custom fetch functions per request. RSC/SSR/RCC compatible.


  • Compatible with some RSC/SSR frameworks - fetch requests should exist independently.

  • Good invalidation possibilities - prefix and predicate statements defined in one place.

  • Axios library (with a simple replacement with native fetch, e.g. in Next.js case).

  • There is no way to generate hooks for Your project, e.g. via GraphQL Codegen. See TanStack Docs.

Project structure

  • Globally shared hooks

    • One folder to rule them all: ~/src/queries (or separate mutations into their own ~src/mutations folder).

    • It is somehow similar to the result of a code generator.

  • Component-based hooks

    • The main concept is high cohesion - hooks are placed according to usage as near as possible to the components that import them.

    • For more details, see React folder structure.

Each file is named according to its react hook and exports all types, fetch requests and the hook itself. For example, we have a REST endpoint GET /api/v1/users. Method GET and unique entity name Users are included in the final hook name.



The same naming convention is applied to mutations:



In case of queries we also need somehow to manage and store query keys and invalidation groups. Never define them inside hooks. The whole set of keys EOT will become a mess in this case. Query keys are similar to primary keys in databases, so it is good to normalize them, see database normal forms - 1NF, 2NF, and 3NF (normalization is not required, but it helps a lot).

Query keys and invalidation groups

It is a good idea to define one file that will manage all query keys across an app.

// ~/src/queries/_constants.ts

import { Query } from '@tanstack/react-query'

type Filter = string | number | null

 * Unique query keys
export const QK = {
  getSomeEntity:            ['group', 'key'],
  getSomeEntityWithFilter:  (filters: Filter[]) => ['group', 'key', ...filters],
} as const

 * Query invalidators (by prefix and by predicate)
export const QK_INVALIDATION = {
  // prefix based
  prefixPreciseKey: QK.getSomeEntity,
  prefixFixedKey: ['group'],
  // predicate based
  predicateSomeKeys: (query: Query) => query.queryKey.includes('organizationContext'),
} as const

useQuery template

// ~/src/queries/useQueryGetEntity.ts

import { useQuery, keepPreviousData } from '@tanstack/react-query'
import { AxiosInstance } from 'axios'

 * *ReqStData
 * Request static data - used for a request creation.
export type GetEntityReqStData = {
  id: number

 * *ResData
 * Response data - returned from the server.
export type GetEntityResData = {
  id: number
  name: string

 * *Req
 * Request - stand-alone fetch. For SSR and RSC pre-fetch purposes.
 * @param axios - Axios client
 * @param reqStData - Static data used for request creation
export const getEntityReq =
  }: {
    axios: AxiosInstance
    reqStData: GetEntityReqStData
  }) =>
  () =>
      .then((res) => res.data)

 * *QueryStData
 * Query static data - used for query and request creation.
export type GetEntityQueryStData = {
  reqStData: GetEntityReqStData

 * useQuery*
 * React hook - calls RQ with fetch request.
 * @param axios - Axios client
 * @param queryStData - Static data used for query creation.
export const useQueryGetEntity = ({
}: {
  axios: AxiosInstance
  queryStData: GetEntityQueryStData
}) => {
  return useQuery({
    queryKey: ['group', 'key', queryStData.reqStData.id], // QK.something
    queryFn: getEntityReq({ axios, reqStData: queryStData.reqStData }),
    placeholderData: keepPreviousData,

useMutation template

// ~/src/queries/useMutationPatchEntity.ts

import { useMutation } from '@tanstack/react-query'
import { AxiosInstance } from 'axios'

 * *ReqStData
 * Request static data - used for a request creation. Data not changing with each request (e.g. ID of the entity).
export type PatchEntityReqStData = {
  id: number

 * *ReqDynData
 * Request dynamic data - used for a request call (e.g. user input).
export type PatchEntityReqDynData = {
  name: string

 * *ResData
 * Response data - returned from the server.
export type PatchEntityResData = {
  id: number
  name: string

 * *Req
 * Request - stand-alone fetch. For SSR and RSC pre-fetch purposes.
 * @param axios - Axios client
 * @param reqStData - Request static data
 * @param () => reqDynamicData - Request dynamic data
export const patchEntityRequest =
  }: {
    axios: AxiosInstance
    reqStData: PatchEntityReqStData
  }) =>
  (reqDynData: PatchEntityReqDynData) =>
      .patch<PatchEntityResData>(`/api/mock/users/${reqStData.id}`, reqDynData)
      .then((res) => res.data)

 * *MutationStData
 * Mutation static data - used for mutation and request creation.
export type PatchEntityMutationStData = {
  reqStData: PatchEntityReqStData

 * useMutation*
 * React hook - calls RQ with fetch request.
 * @param axios - Axios client
 * @param mutationStData - Static data used for mutation creation.
export const useMutationPatchEntity = ({
}: {
  axios: AxiosInstance
  mutationStData: PatchEntityMutationStData
}) =>
    mutationFn: patchEntityRequest({
      reqStData: mutationStData.reqStData,


Both templates are almost agnostic and should be suited for each request. Let's say that we have an endpoint for user private projects:

GET /api/v2/users/project?type=private

Our hook is called just useQueryUserProjects to make it universal because of the possibility of some public projects, etc. We need static data with project type, a response type is generated from OpenAPI definition, there is no need to configure fetch request with each hook call (just request itself, because of server calls):

type Filter = string | number | null

export const QK = {
  // ...
  getUserProjects:  (filters: Filter[]) => ['users', 'projects', ...filters],
} as const

// optional
export const QK_INVALIDATION = {
  prefixUsers: ['users'],
  prefixUserProjects: ['users', 'projects'],
} as const
// ~/src/queries/useQueryGetUserProjects.ts

import { useQuery, keepPreviousData } from '@tanstack/react-query';
import { AxiosInstance } from 'axios';
import ApiTypes from '@swagger-types';
import axiosSsrClient = '@axios-ssr-client'
import {QK} from '~/src/queries/_constants.ts'

export type GetUserProjectsReqStData = {
    type?: string;

export type GetUserProjectsResData =

export const getUserProjectsReq =
    ({ axios, reqStData }: { axios: AxiosInstance; reqStData: GetUserProjectsReqStData }) =>
    () =>
            .get<GetUserProjectsResData>('/api/v2/users/project', {
                params: {
                    type: reqStData.type,
            .then((res) => res.data);

export type GetUserProjectsQueryStData = {
    reqStData: GetUserProjectsReqStData;

export const useQueryGetUserProjects = ({
}: {
    queryStData: GetUserProjectsQueryStData;
}) => {
  // [type]
    const filter = [queryStData.reqStData.type];

    return useQuery({
        queryKey: QK.getUserProjects(filter), // QK.something
        queryFn: getUserProjectsReq({ axios: axiosSsrClient, reqStData: queryStData.reqStData }),
        placeholderData: keepPreviousData,

The original interface is preserved - it has consistency, and it is easy to extend. At first it may feel that it is a lot of code for just one simple request - yes, deal with it. It may be shorter, but then it is less extendable, and EOT each request is going to have its own special way how to call it.